
W9DUA Fusion Repeater Up and Running in Test Mode

On January 7, 2017 the W9DUA Fusion repeater was put online, currently the antenna is only about 50' up and is only a J-Pole.  The repeater is putting out 20 watts of power.  The Red Cross roof is not the permanent home of this repeater.  


If you wish to try this machine, the frequency is 443.000+ (94.8 pl).  It is setup in Auto/Auto mode.  This means if you come in on analog FM then the repeater will output Analog FM.  If you come in on C4FM Fusion mode, that is what the machine will output.


New Years Eve (Antenna) Party Redux

Hanging the loop

On 12/31/2016, in the midst of all the holiday confusion, the weather was nice enough to perform the rest of the needed antenna work at the Red Cross.  We placed 4 Arrow J-Pole antennas and a 5th support mast as well as an approximately 300' wire loop that will be tuned with an SGC-235 Remote Tuner.  

NEW YEAR'S EVE (Antenna) PARTY 12/31/16

Taking advantage of temperatures in the 40s on the last day of 2016, W9DUA Station Trustee, Dwayne Terry KA9KQH led a team of volunteers in installing a 300' HF loop and four dual-band J-Poles at the SVRC Club station.

Thank you to all who participated!
Dwayne Terry KA9KQH
Tom Casson KD9GMS
Craig Held WX9CAH 
Larry Lichtenberger KA9LBI
Will Sommers WR5C
Ken Owens KA9VYN   
Tim McDonough N9PUZ
Jon Theoret KF8CF
Gary Stevens KD9GMP
Sharon Robson KC9UJB
David Bruce AB9YG

SVRC Club Station

Great leaps are being made at W9DUA the SVRC Club Station.  This weekend 4 J-Poles and a large HF Loop coupled by an SGC-235 Automatic Tuner are being installed!  The work party starts at 0900 Local.  A Phillips Screw Driver and an 11mm or 7/16" wrench would be handy tools to bring.  


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